日本財団 図書館





August 26, 1996

The submission by Japan to the Second OSPAR Management Committee Meeting


Examination and considerations of "OSPAR Follow-Up Project"


1. Backgrounds


In order to effectively utilize the equipment and materials provided by OSPAR Project with the objective of promoting the international cooperation among the ASEAN-related countries based on the ASEAN Oil Spill Responce Action Plan, and thereby planning for the preparation of international regional cooperation system in the case of the occurrence of major oil spill incidents, there is a need to conduct appropriate operation and maintenance.
The situation regarding the operation and maintenance is scheduled to be reported by each country at the Second OSPAR Management Committee Meeting counting from the time of the completion of providing the equipment and materials, and if any issue of inconvenience may exist, there is a need to examine and consider the causes and the countermeasures.


2. Objectives of "OSPAR Follow-Up Project"


For the appropriate implementation of OSPAR Project, to examine and consider measures for extracting and resolving the issues of inconvenience concerning management, operation, maintenance, etc. of OSPAR equipment and materials.


3. Possible measures


3.1 Review of implemention scheme
In case that plural number of organizations take part in tile operation and management, some problems may occur from the lack of cooperational system among related organizations.
Following steps for solving the problems in the above seems to be required.
a) To list up and confirm related orgnaizations;
b) To clarify the tasks allocated to the organizations
c) To examine and consider the authority and capabilities of organizations ; and
d) To examine and consider the communication and adjustment


Examination and consideration for tile establishment of a Policy Board composed of the upper echelons from each organization might also be good idea.




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